
                        « Man has responsibility, not power »  Tuscarora


We specialize in coaching people who have high stress jobs, who understand that power means responsibility, who juggle personal and professional life… Our focus is on human values, empathy, your growth potential and your well-being. For us, coaching means to develop your intrapersonal and interpersonal skills, to facilitate your internal dialogue, to improve reconciliation of working life and private life, to manage time and stress…

Coaching helps to get back in touch with your inner self, rethink your relationships with others, but also allows you to acquire a varied skill set: the ability to say no, to deal with toxic relationships and coercive tactics… Our coaching sessions are available in person, by phone or via Skype.

Personalized support

By personalised support we understand all actions aimed at improving quality of your professional and personal life, at improving working climate and relations in your organisation, to give your team a sense of interconnectedness… Our job is to make sure you get what you need: a training programme for managers, team coaching, an awareness campaign to decrease psychosocial hazards and prevent burnout… We will gladly work out a custom program that best suits your needs.

Coaching  Agreement

Coaching Agreement sets the ethical frame, allows to structure coaching relationship and contains a mutual non-disclosure clause. Like every contract Coaching Agreement deals with offer, acceptance and mutuality of obligation. Mutuality of obligation also called the “meeting of minds” (this definition serves coaching purpose adequately) refers to the relationship between the coach and the client. By signing the agreement both parties agree to enter into a confidential relationship and to cooperate in a spirit of mutual understanding, respect and fairness.